about me

Alida: A 23-year-old Canadian exploring the infinite abyss that is New York City.



recent posts

Uncle Richard, me, and James Earl Jones - Tuesday, Apr. 04, 2006
So beautiful when the boy smiles - Sunday, Apr. 02, 2006
One way or another - Sunday, Dec. 25, 2005
Way up high - Saturday, Dec. 10, 2005
Reason to start over new - Friday, Dec. 09, 2005


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Tues, July 10
... Something for everyone
Wow... talk about everything happening at once! Since Sunday afternoon, I've realized that the water wasn't working at my parents' house, so I couldn't shower after mowing the lawn, gotten an email from Matt, been asked to be a small group leader next year, had a raise confirmed, put a deposit on the suite that Kathy and I will be renting next year, and been offered another job at the church, in addition to the kids work I already do! So, where to start with all of it?!

Kathy and I are renting the basement suite we were looking at--it's perfect for us; big enough, close to the school, nice neighborhood... a very nice little place. We take possession on Aug 1, and will probably move in sometime around the second week of August. I'm definitely excited for that... if I wasn't already paying rent on my place now through the end of August, I'd seriously consider moving in now, and living there for the rest of the summer. But that's okay--we're planning to be there for at least a year, maybe two or more, so we'll get our fill of the place. I'm excited to have a bigger bedroom with more storage space than the shoebox I live in now. It's the smallest bedroom I've ever had--smaller than what I had as a kid, even smaller than what Lyns and I shared last year. I'm managing fine, but I'll be glad to have a bedroom that has room for more furniture than just a bed and a desk. I'll even have room to set up my big bed again! Woohoo!! I've missed that thing... :o)

I got a letter from Lucas yesterday, asking if I'd be a small group leader next year. I haven't made a final decision yet, but I don't think I will. I'd kinda considered it earlier in the spring, and decided against it, and I still don't think that's where God's calling me this year. I'd love to do it, and it would be great experience, but I don't think that's my place for right now. I could very well be wrong, and that's why I'm praying about it and thinking about it a lot, but I don't think so.

Murray talked to me today about being on security staff at the church as well as still doing my kids office stuff... that might be the answer to prayer I've been looking for! It'll most likely fit into my schedule, and the extra money will be good, because I'll be paying more in rent than I am now, or than I did last year, and possibly working fewer hours on my kids job. I have at least my mornings free, for the most part, which I arranged on purpose, so I'd have that time to do schoolwork/office work/errands/whatever, and free up my evenings for rehearsals, classes, a social life (maybe!), or, if I take this job, work. It would probably only be one night a week, and some weekends, so that would be really great... God is so good!! I wouldn't start at the lowest rate, because I have experience, and I'm getting a raise in the office, too, which would help out a LOT. :o)

I got an email from Matt yesterday, which really surprised me. I wasn't expecting to hear from him till August, when he gets back. Not that I'm complaining--it was a very nice surprise, and I'm so grateful that things are working out this way... I always knew they would, and I think he did too; I just don't know yet how they'll work out. That, I won't find out till August or September, if even then. I just wasn't expecting anything this soon. Oh well. It's so much better than complete avoidance and ignoring each other. No matter how they work out between the two of us, though, I'm working out what I need to with God, and that's the most important. This time, however things happen between Matt and I, they'll be different, because I don't know about him, but for once, I'm committing to keep God in the center, not just pretend he's there.

It may not be what it could have been, or what I want it to be now, but I'm learning (yet again) to be thankful wherever I'm at, whether I got to this place through my own stupidity, or through strange circumstances, or someone else's actions, or whatever. Maybe God didn't "put" me here in the sense that it's my own consequences for my foolish actions, but he's here, regardless of how I got here, and he has things to teach me, whether or not this would have been his "first choice" in how I learned those lessons. That's the beauty of God's grace--I got myself into the mess, but he's getting me out of it. :o)
infinite || abyss

posted at 2:46 p.m.