about me

Alida: A 23-year-old Canadian exploring the infinite abyss that is New York City.



recent posts

Uncle Richard, me, and James Earl Jones - Tuesday, Apr. 04, 2006
So beautiful when the boy smiles - Sunday, Apr. 02, 2006
One way or another - Sunday, Dec. 25, 2005
Way up high - Saturday, Dec. 10, 2005
Reason to start over new - Friday, Dec. 09, 2005


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Mon, Aug. 9
... Let me show you everything

DDR and Axe deodorant spray make for an interesting evening.

Note to self: The second-best way to smell like boy (second only to actually cuddling with one) is to be sprayed with Axe.

Note to self #2: Too much Axe makes people choke.

Oh my. What an interesting evening. Too little sleep--I didn't get to bed until 3, and I had to leave the house at 7:30 this morning in order to get my brother to daycamps on time, and I've got an 8-hour shift starting in an hour. Strangely, it's already been a productive morning.

But back to last night. Despite (or myabe because of) the crazy attention-drawing dancing and the cough-inducing smells, it was a good night. Interesting, but good.

The more time I spend in these situations, the more I realize what a blessing it truly is. I learn something new every time, and that's something you can't say for a lot of people.

I still don't think it's going where certain people seem to think it is, but it's going in a good direction. Discoveries and explorations and revelations about myself, more than anything else. And it narrows the search. Gives me more specifics than I realized.

Question. Would we get ourselves into these things if we knew how frustrating they could be? If we knew how much we would want to smack someone upside the head and make them see truths that they are blind to? If we knew the conflicts it would cause? If we knew how much we would hurt for others? Is it still worth it?

Yeah, I think so. Because, really, there's so much less emotional trauma than there is anywhere else, and besides, if you don't care, where's the friendship anyways? You have to be invested enough to hurt and to be frustrated.

But really, what else can I say? It was an interesting night, on so many levels.

Totally switching gears... I got the Christmas script from Mike this morning. I'm excited to read it and get involved with that--he's got me on the production team, so that'll be fun. I think I'll get to work with some great people this year, including some of the same people from last Christmas, and it'll be great to have some say in things. I'm not totally sure where he wants me involved, but he's talking about doing some directing or whatever... but we'll see. Production, though, even if it's not directing. It'll be good.

Hard to believe I've come so far from the days of those first lines in a kids' choir musical. :o) Who knew, way back then, that this whole theatre thing would turn into a career?

Speaking of which, I need to start memorizing audition monologues. get a couple of them really solidly under my belt for as many auditions as I can get this fall.

Real world, here we come.

DDR anyone?
infinite || abyss

posted at 10:25 a.m.