about me

Alida: A 23-year-old Canadian exploring the infinite abyss that is New York City.



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Uncle Richard, me, and James Earl Jones - Tuesday, Apr. 04, 2006
So beautiful when the boy smiles - Sunday, Apr. 02, 2006
One way or another - Sunday, Dec. 25, 2005
Way up high - Saturday, Dec. 10, 2005
Reason to start over new - Friday, Dec. 09, 2005


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Sat, Aug 25
... It's always only ever "see you later"
I hate goodbyes. Especially airport goodbyes. The whole atmosphere is way too conducive to mushy, sappy, overly sentimental scenes. Basically, just another way of saying, I miss Ness already, and she just left this evening. It seems strange to think that I've only known her for such a short time, yet we're already so close. When I was talking about the past four months a while ago, I almost forgot that she's been such an integral part of those four months. Not that I could ever forget about her, but it seems like I've known her so much longer than just this summer.

We really did skip all the "pleasantries" that come with the beginning of a friendship. There simply wasn't time for that. We knew we only had a few months with each other, for now anyways, and so we spent our time on the things that mattered, not the trivial things that get in the way of real friendship. It's all about the sex talk. Begin a friendship by discussing your views on sex and relationships, and you'll trust someone completely! It kind of gives you a new perspective on your new friend than talking about where they bought their shirt. I suppose it also helps when that friend becomes a huge part of your social life for the summer. Ness and Kathy pretty much became my social life. We hung out constantly. I mean, obviously Kat and I are living together, so we sorta see each other fairly often, but Ness and I, or all three of us, were together pretty much at least two or three nights a week, except for about two weeks. But still, it was only four months. Normally, that's not enough time to become so close. But then again, we're not normal people. None of us are. :o)

I know I get to see her again in a few months, but it's still hard to say goodbye. It seems like everything changes so much every few months, and every time things get somewhat comfortable, they change again, and there's nothing we can do about it except suck it up and go along for the ride. Life's not going to slow down, no matter how hard we beg, so we buckle up, look out the window, and enjoy the view God's giving us. Easier said than done sometimes, but that's, quite frankly, the best policy.

But goodbye is never forever; it's always only a "see you later." Even in this life, we know that, unless something drastic happens, we'll see Ness again relatively soon. But even if we don't, we'll always see her again in heaven. Not that that's the next place I'll see her, God willing (!), but if it is, I know that's the hope I have.

I guess goodbyes always get me into a melancholic mood. I have a few more of them to go before the fall's over, but God will see me through them, just like he's seeing me through this one. And, of course, I always have Kathy. We're going to live in our basement forever and become little old maids here and die here, just so we never have to go through the hassle of moving, and just so we never have to ever leave each other behind and say goodbye. ;o)
infinite || abyss

posted at 9:09 p.m.