about me

Alida: A 23-year-old Canadian exploring the infinite abyss that is New York City.



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Uncle Richard, me, and James Earl Jones - Tuesday, Apr. 04, 2006
So beautiful when the boy smiles - Sunday, Apr. 02, 2006
One way or another - Sunday, Dec. 25, 2005
Way up high - Saturday, Dec. 10, 2005
Reason to start over new - Friday, Dec. 09, 2005


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Fri, Nov 16
... See you on the other side
So here's my character profile for Peppermint Patty....


REAL NAME: Patricia Reichardt
DEBUT IN STRIP: August 22, 1966
AMBITION: To be an Olympic star; compete on the golf tour.
FAVORITE ACTIVITY: Talking on the phone
LIKES: Wearing sandals and changing hair styles
HEARTTHROB: Charlie "Chuck" Brown
BIGGEST CHALLENGE: Staying awake in school

Peppermint Patty is a girl who lives on the opposite side of town as Charlie Brown. She is his rival in baseball, but has a feeling for Charlie Brown and has a weird way of showing it. She has a friend named Marcie, and sits behind Charlie Brown's friend Franklin at school. Peppermint Patty is a championship skater, a great baseball player, and can tend to be absent-minded. She thinks that Snoopy is a "funny looking kid", and "the shortstop with a big nose", and also thinks that Snoopy's doghouse is "Chuck's guest cottage!" Peppermint Patty has done many stupid things like: trying to get 9 baseball caps a a game (when kids got in free, and got one free cap), and has tried to graduate from an obedience school for dogs. She plays a big role in Peanuts, and Charlie Brown is still trying to figure her out.
FAMOUS QUOTE: (When Snoopy kisses her.) "He's a funny looking kid, but he sure knows how to make a girl happy!"

Fun times, hey? I love having a characterization that's so... deep. You know, in depth. So many psychological nuances to her. It's fun.

I can't wait for the show to open... only one more week! Crazy how time flies... Dress rehearsals start Sunday, and then it's the big countdown from there! We do the show a grand total of 8 more times. Wow. That's a depressing thought. I always hate closing night... I mean, there's such a sense of euphoria that's so much fun, but at the same time, it's so sad. My least favorite part of any show is taking down the set.

Except for last semester. I couldn't wait to demolish that stupid tree that took four of us to carry around, that kept breaking, that we had to touch up with magic markers, that our rather delinquent set guy, who hadn't shown up to actually make any of the set, decided to repaint on opening night. No, we were not too overly pleased with him. No, no, no. That is why he no longer does sets. That was one set I was not sorry to see go far far away into set heaven. Or in that stupid tree's case, set hell. I'm fairly sure that's where it would have gone.
infinite || abyss

posted at 2:40 p.m.