about me

Alida: A 23-year-old Canadian exploring the infinite abyss that is New York City.



recent posts

Uncle Richard, me, and James Earl Jones - Tuesday, Apr. 04, 2006
So beautiful when the boy smiles - Sunday, Apr. 02, 2006
One way or another - Sunday, Dec. 25, 2005
Way up high - Saturday, Dec. 10, 2005
Reason to start over new - Friday, Dec. 09, 2005


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Thurs, Nov 22
... Bleah
I honestly can't believe how unmotivated I am these days! I really don't want to get up, go to class, do assignments, go to work, clean the house... anything, really. It's not that I don't like any of those, because I do (well, except for cleaning the house!), but I really don't want to do them. Rehearsals/performances... those are a little different story. Some days I don't want to go to those, but for the most part I don't have a problem with them. It's everything else. I really don't know what it is... end-of-the-semester blues? Maybe... I-want-Christmas-to-be-here-now syndrome? Could be... I'm not exactly sure.

Ever since I was sich about a month ago, though, I've felt like I'm constantly trying to fight something. I'm not sick anymore--that was over a long time ago--but I feel like I'm trying to fight some sort of cold, or flu, or something like that. Like I just can't get rested, and I can't shake something that's not there.

I'm hoping that Christmas break helps, but in the meantime, I have to deal with exams and assignments, and I really can't be so apathetic in these next couple of weeks! I've already missed a couple of assignments... I can't afford to miss any more. Actually, I can't afford to miss those ones, but it's a little late for that.

Anyways, I should get back to work--yes, I'm at work right now, and once I'm here, it's fine. Once I get myself going, I'm doing great. It's just that initial push that's the problem.
infinite || abyss

posted at 12:52 p.m.