about me

Alida: A 23-year-old Canadian exploring the infinite abyss that is New York City.



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Uncle Richard, me, and James Earl Jones - Tuesday, Apr. 04, 2006
So beautiful when the boy smiles - Sunday, Apr. 02, 2006
One way or another - Sunday, Dec. 25, 2005
Way up high - Saturday, Dec. 10, 2005
Reason to start over new - Friday, Dec. 09, 2005


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Thurs, Nov. 14
... Not because of that!!
I love live theatre. I especially love the fact that, throughout this school year, I will be seeing (including the shows I've already seen) approximately... 15 shows? Something like that. We'll see how many more I can get to before the year is over. It's a great thing. And most of them aren't that expensive, either. I pay an average of $10 per show, which isn't that bad--it costs less than a movie, and it's definitely a good investment. And 9 of those shows were paid for over the summer (my season's tickets to ATP), so that's even better!

Anyways, tonight's show was amazing. And no, Kat and Laurel, that's not why. That was definitely a bonus, but it would have been just as good with out that. And you both know it. Although, Laurel, you know what I think about it.... (wink, wink, nudge, nudge) It was, I thought, a very well-written, well-acted, and well-directed play. I was suitably impressed. It was moving. There were moments when I was in tears, and I was literally shaking from some of the emotion.

The funniest part, though, was intermission. (Don't worry, it wasn't a funny play, so the fact that intermission was funny isn't a bad thing) One of the actors left the stage, the intermission music began to play, and the house lights went up, but the other two actors were still on stage, going about their business. The audience didn't move. Didn't talk. Sat, and after a minute or two, began looking at each other, realizing that nothing was happening and wondering if it was intermission. Laurel and I finally decided that someone had to be the first to get up and leave the theatre, so we got up, and were followed within a few seconds by the others. It was really quite humorous, though. We laughed about the fact that the audience didn't know that it was intermission.

Then, we spent our intermission standing in the lobby discussing the voice techniques and physicalities of the actors.

Yes, we know that we're geeks. We're okay with that. Really, we are.

And then, Kat, Laurel, and I went to Denny's. I don't think I've laughed so hard in a long time. Or had a conversation that ping-pong balled all over the place quite that much.

But, as I was starting to say, way back there, it was a terrific show. Intense, but it couldn't have been any other way and still been effective.

If you're in Calgary, and you're not doing anything tomorrow night or Saturday night, you should go check out "Sister Calling My Name" at FireExit Theatre. Definitely well worth the $10 you'll spend on a ticket.

That's my shameless plug of the night.

This has been such a weird week--I honestly don't know what day I'm on. It feels like it's been dragging, even though I've only been in class for 2 days. My body and my brain don't know what to think anymore. Oh well.

Laura and I are going to Banff tomorrow. *sigh* What a nice break. I really hope that we get to see Norm. That would be an enjoyable experience for me... but regardless of whether or not we see him, I'll still have fun.

But I will be taking my laptop with me, hoping to write at least a few words on my ever-so-present novel. I will finish... I must finish it! Can't be defeated by a bunch of silly words...

Okay. I'm going to bed. 'Night

One year ago today: It's sometimes the people who have been a part of the church the longest who can feel the most left out and excluded. Just because they've "always been there" or even "always been involved" means that they need any less of a welcome and invitation. The people who have consistently been the ones doing the encouraging do sometimes need encouragement for themselves. It's just as wrong to assume that once someone is in the church, life is peachy keen and there are no more problems.
infinite || abyss

posted at 11:19 p.m.