about me

Alida: A 23-year-old Canadian exploring the infinite abyss that is New York City.



recent posts

Uncle Richard, me, and James Earl Jones - Tuesday, Apr. 04, 2006
So beautiful when the boy smiles - Sunday, Apr. 02, 2006
One way or another - Sunday, Dec. 25, 2005
Way up high - Saturday, Dec. 10, 2005
Reason to start over new - Friday, Dec. 09, 2005


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Tues, Nov. 12
... A little bit of this, a little bit of that
*sigh* I love reading week. I think I've done more work this reading week than I ever have--I've actually been at home, writing, instead of out hanging out with friends. Of course, that doesn't mean that I've gotten any more done on any of the papers I have due. It just means that I'm ahead on my novel. :o) Approximately 20,720 words as of bedtime last night. Yesterday's quota was 18,337. Am I good, or am I good?! Of course, that now means I have to keep the trend going for my last day off and get to 23 or 24 thousand words today. I can't believe I've actually stuck with it this far.

This week's going to be a good one... I get to hang out with Kat on Sunday, yesterday, tonight, tomorrow, and Thursday. How's that for one week, when last week we hardly saw each other at all!

She, Laurel, and I are going to see "Sister Calling My Name" at FireExit Theatre on Thursday... that'll be fun. November is my month for live shows. I get to see that, and then Mayhem goes up next week, and then I'm going to ATP to see "Who Has Seen the Wind" on Nov 27, and then Laura and I are going to the Rocky choir Christmas concert on the 30th. 'Tis the season for amazing choral music... :o) Fun times, hey? I'm so excited for all of them! I would really like it if all my months could be like that!

Hmmm.... my house is such a mess. I have my armchair that's become my writing center--I've got a heater, my cd player, all my cds, a blanket, my pencil case, my notebook, a bag of Oreos, a box of crackers, several empty juice cups, the TV remote, some hair clips... all of that, just to write a novel.

I was really hoping my laptop would come today, but no package notice in today's mail. Bleah. I wanted to have today to type in my novel, just because I know I have the time today, and it'll take me longer later on. Oh well. Hopefully tomorrow. *sigh* Just watch--it'll get here on Nov 30, and I can type the novel in, just in time for NaNoEdMo--National Novel Editing Month, the name around here for December.

Oh well... either way, my wrists are going to hate me at the end of the month. :o)

Anyways, I should probably shower and get dressed and all that fun stuff... On with my day...

One year ago today: The moment of breakthrough is the most incredible moment. The moment when everything that's been seen only through a haze comes into focus and more of the pieces fit together than have been fitting for a long time. That single moment in time when God's presence is unbelievably real, present, and tangible, and everything else fades into the background. It's amazing how quickly it can come, too. How all the bitterness and anger; all the frustration and disappointment can fade so quickly in the presence of His holy light.
infinite || abyss

posted at 11:41 a.m.