about me

Alida: A 23-year-old Canadian exploring the infinite abyss that is New York City.



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Uncle Richard, me, and James Earl Jones - Tuesday, Apr. 04, 2006
So beautiful when the boy smiles - Sunday, Apr. 02, 2006
One way or another - Sunday, Dec. 25, 2005
Way up high - Saturday, Dec. 10, 2005
Reason to start over new - Friday, Dec. 09, 2005


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Sat, June 11
... Anything other than me
I feel content tonight. Not euphoric--it's not that heady of a feeling--but content. It was actually not raining this evening, and after I left work, I just drove for a while. Got a milkshake at Peter's. Enjoyed the light, even at 10 p.m. It's that feeling that makes me smile, even though it was a long day, almost as hectic as Thursday, and tomorrow will be even longer. I just want to soak it in. Let the feeling of summer--even if not the weather of summer--seep into my pores and remind me of how good life really is.

Please, God, answer this selfish little prayer and let it be nice on Monday and Tuesday. Beautiful. Sunny and hot. Just for my own satisfaction and summer feeling. That's all I'm asking--I just want to go outside and feel the sunshine and take a book with me and bask. Truly bask. Risk of sunburn kind of basking. Besides, if I pray for sun, it'll benefit everyone else at this point, too, don't you think? We've had enough rain to last us a while.

Yes, I've got Monday and Tuesday off again. I wish I could afford to take off to Creston again, but I don't think I can make it this week. Ah well... Kat's going to be in town next weekend, and we're going Ikea-ing, and then having a girls' night out. Yes, it will be heaven.

Seriously. Can't you tell what kind of mood I'm in? My brain is flitting from one topic to another, but they all seem to revolve around outdoors, sunshine, and relaxation. Can you tell what three things I've been most deprived of this past week? Yeah.

By the way, the Blair countdown is down to a week. Ish. Have I already mentioned that it will be very nice to give the store back to him?

You know, I'm really excited to go to church tomorrow morning. I worked a security shift tonight, so I was at church during the service, but not actually in the service, and it got me in a worshipful, yay-God kind of mood. I'm craving fellowship.

Speaking of fellowship, I keep meaning to email the church in Paris that we were at last summer, and thank the pastor for welcoming us. That place was one of the best examples of community, fellowship, and the wonder of the Body of Christ that I've seen in a long time. Those people are truly the kind of people that I can't wait to see in heaven. I know I most likely won't see any of them on earth again, but I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that I'll see them in heaven, and that only then will we all see the full impact that we had on each other's lives.

Mmmm. Strawberry-peach milkshake. Sunset at 10:30. A movie to curl up with--after a nice, hot shower, that is. Church in the morning. Yeah, the simple pleasures are very good. I don't take the time to appreciate them nearly often enough.

One year ago today: Cameras, journals, and a lot of memories that will come back at the oddest times, hitting me with a pang of homesickness for a place that I only ever spent a few days in.

Funny how the world can get under your skin like that.
infinite || abyss

posted at 10:17 p.m.