about me

Alida: A 23-year-old Canadian exploring the infinite abyss that is New York City.



recent posts

Uncle Richard, me, and James Earl Jones - Tuesday, Apr. 04, 2006
So beautiful when the boy smiles - Sunday, Apr. 02, 2006
One way or another - Sunday, Dec. 25, 2005
Way up high - Saturday, Dec. 10, 2005
Reason to start over new - Friday, Dec. 09, 2005


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Wed, Sept 5
... It's my first day of school!!!
First day back at Rocky!! It was so great to see so many people again, but so weird at the same time. Especially with so many people not being there; finishing classes and not running back across the park to dorms, seeing all these new people there that I haven't met yet... all of that. But overall, I was so incredibly happy to be back. :o) I saw Shannon and Charles, which was very cool; when Charles saw my hair, he was like, "Hey, welcome to the black hair club!" Someone else made a comment about how Trevor had black hair and I had brown hair when we left for the summer, and now it's opposite, so we just switched hair. It totally felt like it hasn't been 4 months since I last saw everyone. In some ways, it felt like just yesterday. But like I said, it was odd, and in some ways wrong, not to have everyone from last year there. And not to be in dorms. And to have mailbox #7 instead of #3. Oh well... that's just the way life goes sometimes.

Some things never change, though. I spent World Civ playing games--tic tac toe, hangman, SOS, dots--with Jade, and not paying attention. Yah, good start to the school year for me! Voice was the same as always--my drama group will never change. Okay, we will, but at least, no matter who else comes into the program, the 9 of us will always have classes together and be together for all that. That's at least somewhat consistent. And of course Cindy is just as cute as ever, and the class is just as zany as ever. I can't wait till our theatre program students' supper and hang out time tomorrow... That'll be a blast!

It's incredible to think how much changed for me over the summer, and to wonder how much changed for everyone else. I see all of them, and I think that their lives are just the same as they were before, because they look the same, and because I haven't been part of all their changes. They're probably thinking similar things about me, though, and it's totally not. I'm pretty sure that it's so not the same for them, either. Four months is a long time not to see people, but it's cool that some things stay the same.

Honestly, I think that the biggest change, for now anyways, is not going to dorms. I haven't lived there in 4 months, but it's natural to leave the school and walk across the park to the apartments. It's so strange to not do that, and to think of other people living in my apartment. Other people decorating it so completely differently from how Shannon, Lynsae, Jen, and I had it done. Other people hanging out in the lounge, watching different movies, starting new trends (besides crocheting!), having different inside jokes, different relational dynamics within the building, different activities... that seems weirdest. School is always "just school," but that was home, and it was a home that was so intristically connected with school, and it doesn't feel right, in some ways, to be at school without being at home there.

Anyways, Laura's here to pick me up, so that's all I'm writing today. :o)
infinite || abyss

posted at 4:13 p.m.