about me

Alida: A 23-year-old Canadian exploring the infinite abyss that is New York City.



recent posts

Uncle Richard, me, and James Earl Jones - Tuesday, Apr. 04, 2006
So beautiful when the boy smiles - Sunday, Apr. 02, 2006
One way or another - Sunday, Dec. 25, 2005
Way up high - Saturday, Dec. 10, 2005
Reason to start over new - Friday, Dec. 09, 2005


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Tues, Feb. 8
... I take you in
Hoy. I need a computer yesterday. It's getting really old, trying to get online at the library before or after work. Hence the reason I haven't updated in four days.

Anyways. Let me think... what's new? Blair and I went to see Chelsea's play on Saturday night--Sherlock's Secret Life. A very good show... I quite enjoyed it. Blair did, too, I think.

And, just to make it more fun, we ran into Jen and Janel there... I hadn't seen either one of them since... April, I think. Wow. It's so strange to think that you can go from spending almost every day for four years with someone to not seeing them at all for 8 months.

Hmmm. Valentine's Day is coming. Anyone else without plans on Monday night, and wanting to do something fun? I still am thinking that I may change this to a Valentines-esque layout, but you know, with the amount of time that I'm (not) online these days, that day may come and go, with no change to a layout, and really, no one will be the worse for wear.

Besides, I kind of like e.e.cummings. I wouldn't mind picking up a volume or two of his poetry, actually. There's something about the pictures he paints with words that I find absolutely fascinating. So, I don't mind having those particular words on my layout for just a little longer.

It's funny how organization, administration, and procrastination can sometimes go hand in hand. I have tendencies towards all three; I just sometimes take a while to get to the first two, because the third one gets in the way every now and then. But then I get busy, and the busier I am, the more productive I am. Less time to procrastinate, I guess.

Anyways... I digress. From what, I'm not sure, but it must be from something. I finally got my Under a Bridge, Along a River schedule hashed out and written down in my daytimer, I met with Tracey this morning, and I'm going to sit down with Laurel this afternoon and figure out a bunch of tech stuff for Anne. At least it's turning into some sort of a productive day off. Plus, I've got a load of laundry in the wash, so I'll head home and change loads before I meet with Laurel.

First the laundry, then the world!!!

I sometimes marvel at how... well, for lack of a better term, grown up I'm becoming. Who ever would have thought that laundry, scheduling, and grocery shopping would be considered achievements.

And the funny thing about that is that, on some level, I'm learning to balance it all, and still be creative, young, single, driven... all those things that seem to be the complete antithesis of domesticity. Somehow, it fits. I guess that's the beauty of life--it is, inherently, full of contradiction, and it doesn't have to fit in order to work.

One year ago today: There's something beautiful about walking into a bedroom, late at night, and seeing a bed with fresh sheets, smelling like fabric softener, and the blankets turned down, and knowing it's for you, and you didn't have to get it ready. That's what I walked into the house to find last night.
infinite || abyss

posted at 10:58 a.m.