about me

Alida: A 23-year-old Canadian exploring the infinite abyss that is New York City.



recent posts

Uncle Richard, me, and James Earl Jones - Tuesday, Apr. 04, 2006
So beautiful when the boy smiles - Sunday, Apr. 02, 2006
One way or another - Sunday, Dec. 25, 2005
Way up high - Saturday, Dec. 10, 2005
Reason to start over new - Friday, Dec. 09, 2005


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Sun, Apr. 20
... Maybe I'm just like my father
Ack! Even after studying outside, I'm not ready for this exam. My biggest problem right now is that I don't know what she's going to ask. Sometimes her questions are so specific, and sometimes they're more vague, and I'm worried that these will be so specific that I won't be able to answer them.

Twelve hours, and it'll all be over. Sixteen hours, and I won't have to worry about the oral part any more, either. I'm not too worried about that yet, though. I'm slightly more prepared for that. Although I still need a costume for a 60-ish-year-old Russian dancer, whose vocal quality is quite aristocratic and refined.

Oy vey. Once this exam is over, I'll be a much happier woman.

Remind me to get up early enough to walk to school tomorrow. Save some money on gas, have some time to run my monologues while I'm walking, get some fresh air and exercise. Kill three birds with one stone.

Hmm. I liked staying up half the night. I don't know... for me, there's something magical about that time just before dawn... just when the sky is still black, but hinting of changing to grey. I like it best, though, when I've been up all night to see it, not when I'm getting up that early to see it. The world is still sleeping, and I alone am awake to see the change. I'll sleep later--this is too precious to miss.

Unfortunately, society in general doesn't tend to agree with that particular sentiment of mine. They seem to think that getting up at 6:00 in the morning and going to bed at 10:00 at night is a perfectly acceptable way to live.

And I'm sure I've ranted on this before sometime, so I'm going to go try to get rid of my hiccups, and then finish studying for this exam.
infinite || abyss

posted at 11:00 p.m.