about me

Alida: A 23-year-old Canadian exploring the infinite abyss that is New York City.



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Uncle Richard, me, and James Earl Jones - Tuesday, Apr. 04, 2006
So beautiful when the boy smiles - Sunday, Apr. 02, 2006
One way or another - Sunday, Dec. 25, 2005
Way up high - Saturday, Dec. 10, 2005
Reason to start over new - Friday, Dec. 09, 2005


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Tues, Apr. 22
... I can't help it
Assuming you won the Lotto (or in some other manner suddenly found yourself having enough money that you didn't have to work ever again)...

What would be the first thing few things you would spend your money on? How would you fill your time if you were no longer working?

This is thespark's topic of the week, and it's kinda ironic, actually, since Laurel and I were just talking about this this afternoon... So, I've got an answer all ready off the top of my head! I'll use $10 million, since that's the number we were throwing around earlier today.

First $1 million: "My" money. Things like a new house, new car, paying for school, investing for the future, taking a trip, etc, etc, etc. I don't think I'd go too crazy with it--I mean, I'd buy a nice house and car, but nothing super outrageous. Just something in a nice neighborhood, and a nice vehicle. I honestly don't think my standard of living would change all that much, really. I would just not have to worry about paying the bills. And if I invested wisely, it would hold me for a very long time.

Next $1 million: My parents. Knowing them, they'd probably take a trip somewhere, invest a bit, and give a lot away. But I'd give it to them, because they've done so much for me.

Next $1 million: My friends. I don't know what I'd do for each of them individually, but this would be for my friends as a whole--paying off student loans, making a dream come true... I don't know what each would be, but there are a lot of people I'd like to do something significant for.

Next $1 million: My church. It's been a rock my whole life, and I know the money would be put to good use. Besides, I don't think that tithing (giving 10% of what I earn to the church) would stop with the lottery.

Next $1 million: Charities of varying sorts. There are quite a few I can think of that would benefit. I'd probably pick 5 or so and give them each $200,000. That's quite a chunk of change, especially for some smaller organizations.

Remaining $5 million: I'd build a theatre. Calgary needs more theatre space--especially affordable space. I think that Laurel's and my theatre groups would be based out of there, but we would rent the space out to various other groups--especially Christian theatre groups--that needed it. It would have a space specifically for children's theatre, a large workshop, lots of dressing room and backstage space, a rehearsal hall, a larger theatre, and I don't know what else.... but I could make it exactly what I wanted/needed it to be.

It would be so amazing not to have to work, because I could devote my time to my production company and to my kids and my ministry without feeling like I had to find a paying job on top of that. There's so much I want to do and so many ministries I want to help with, but I don't get paid for any of them... so if I didn't have to work, I could do all of those much more freely.

One year ago today: We have fish now! McFish, Mr T, Curly, Moe, and Larry, a sucker named Suckie, and three newts, named Newt, Sam, and Bubbles. Fun times, hey? I can hear Kat shrieking right now because Christian must have touched her with the bag with the fish in it. She refuses to touch them. :o) They're fun, though. Reminds me of Moby, Norm, and Nancy Chan the Mighty Mighty Sumo Fish from last year.
infinite || abyss

posted at 5:57 p.m.