about me

Alida: A 23-year-old Canadian exploring the infinite abyss that is New York City.



recent posts

Uncle Richard, me, and James Earl Jones - Tuesday, Apr. 04, 2006
So beautiful when the boy smiles - Sunday, Apr. 02, 2006
One way or another - Sunday, Dec. 25, 2005
Way up high - Saturday, Dec. 10, 2005
Reason to start over new - Friday, Dec. 09, 2005


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Fri, Mar 8
... My 101
1. I've only ever kissed two boys.

2. My first kiss was when I was 15, outside the coffee shop across from the church.

3. I went over 2 years with no kissing in between kissing the first boy and kissing the second.

4. I got glasses when I was 10.

5. My mom wants me to move back home.

6. I can hardly stand being home for Christmas vacation, let alone moving back permanently.

7. I like mushrooms.

8. I don't like oatmeal.

9. I have no food allergies.

10. I want kids.

11. I want to get married.

12. Not in that order.

13. I once told my sister we adopted her from the aliens.

14. She believed me.

15. The first chapter book I ever read was "Little House in the Big Woods"

16. I was in kindergarten.

17. I started reading Nancy Drew in grade one.

18. My birthday is 15 days before Matt's.

19. I'm a year and 15 days older than him.

20. I can't wait to turn 20.

21. There are still balloons in my living room from Kat's birthday.

22. That was in October.

23. The goal is for them to be there for her next birthday.

24. I used to collect stamps.

25. I feel sick.

26. I feel like I'm whining whenever I say that.

27. I hate using it as an excuse--even if it's a legitimate one.

28. I don't have mono.

29. I like sleeping with as many blankets as possible.

30. I would rather be too warm than too cold.

31. I have lived in Calgary all my life.

32. I go to school where I used to go to church.

33. I used to have my diapers changed in the same bathrooms I use now.

34. I didn't set foot in that building for 7 years in between it being my church and my school.

35. Most of the building looks vastly different.

36. I will hopefully get to quit my job soon.

37. I miss Ellen, my old boss, like crazy.

38. I wish I had enough money to insure my car.

39. I wish I had enough money that I didn't have to pinch every penny.

40. I don't like my parents trying to control my life.

41. There are reasons why I moved out.

42. I have an unhealthy obsession with having sex on waterbeds.

43. I never have, though.

44. I want to someday.

45. I own a waterbed.

46. I got it for free.

47. I've played the piano for 12 years.

48. I have my grade 10 piano.

49. I hardly ever play classically anymore.

50. I started singing duets with my mom in church when I was four

51. They wouldn't let me hold my own mic.

52. I had to have the stand on its lowest possible setting so it wasn't too high.

53. I shaved my head almost 3 years ago.

54. Daryl was the only one who ever called me "Chia" because of it.

55. He still sometimes does.

56. I recognized Lynsae the first time I ever saw her.

57. I've had pen pals ever since I was in elementary school.

58. Most of them were friends who had moved away.

59. I still write to my friend Jenny.

60. She moved to Texas when I was 11.

61. I've only seen her once since then.

62. I love getting mail.

63. I love writing letters.

64. I could go crazy in the Hallmark store.

65. I have a stack of cards that I bought "just because the right occasion to send them would come someday."

66. I psm-ed worse this month than I usually do.

67. I'm still pms-ing

68. For another 3 days.

69. It took Kat and I 5 months of living together to get onto the same schedule

70. And when we did, Lynsae's schedule adjusted 2 weeks to get back onto mine

71. Lynsae and I haven't lived together for almost a year now.

72. I only ever see her once every couple of months.

73. I miss her lots

74. I'm more myself with just one other person.

75. Which is weird, because I'm not shy.

76. And everyone thinks I'm so extroverted and outgoing.

77. Which I am sometimes.

78. I act the silliest around Laura.

79. In restaurants, Kat always gets me to call the waiter because "I'm a theatre major."

80. I still visit my high school French teacher.

81. Lynsae got me hooked on "crafty" things.

82. I collect Jones Soda labels because of her.

83. I love shopping at Ikea.

84. I have at least 7 furniture-type items in my room from Ikea.

85. I second-guess people a lot.

86. I trust easily.

87. That's an oxymoron.

88. But it's true.

89. I used to collect stickers.

90. I sort of collect stuffed animals.

91. But I didn't buy most of them.

92. And I didn't start out intending to collect them.

93. There are 6 stuffed animals on my desk.

94. And 9 more within my view.

95. There are 55 framed pictures on my bedroom walls.

96. I've been journalling "seriously" since I was 14.

97. I can't wait for school to be out.

98. I wrote in a journal I had in grade one how I was so disappointed that I didn't get a big desk.

99. I wanted one like the teacher's.

100. I learned to read when I was three.

101. I've been a night-owl my whole life.
infinite || abyss

posted at 2:52 p.m.