about me

Alida: A 23-year-old Canadian exploring the infinite abyss that is New York City.



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Uncle Richard, me, and James Earl Jones - Tuesday, Apr. 04, 2006
So beautiful when the boy smiles - Sunday, Apr. 02, 2006
One way or another - Sunday, Dec. 25, 2005
Way up high - Saturday, Dec. 10, 2005
Reason to start over new - Friday, Dec. 09, 2005


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Mon, Apr. 26
... Pick up all the broken glass
Back to class. Two more weeks. That's it. And, of course, the idea with this is to finish the papers asap after the class is over, even though I get 6 weeks to write them, because I just don't want to have to worry about them. I want my 3 weeks before I leave to be 3 completely free weeks. No assignments, no school, no tests. Just work, visiting friends, going for coffee, sleeping, learning what it's like to have free time... So call me a glutton for punishment, but I'm going to try to finish the assignments for each of these classes within a few days of the classes being over--hopefully by the Monday after the class finishes.

I can do it, right? I mean, if I could finish upwards of 20 assignments in three weeks, I can do this. It'll be a breeze.

This past month has been so random. It's been like "Alida's Big Events Month." I think people must be starting to get a bit sick of hearing about my major milestones. Seriously--three in a row, each two weeks apart. First, my showcase. Then, two weeks later, my birthday. Then, two weeks later, my grad. It feels like I haven't had time to enjoy one before the next one is here.

Maybe that sounds selfish. That's not what I'm trying to do--it's not like a, "Hey everyone, let's celebrate me!" kind of deal (although if they had been spread out more, maybe the presents that go along with them would have been more spread out, too!), but I wish I had time to bask. I wish I had the time to really sit back and let it all sink in, but instead, I've been running crazy ever since... well, since September, but in this sense, since January. Or at least the beginning of March.

Intense showcase prep, went straight into intense Hobbit production, went straight into more papers than I've ever written before in my life, went straight into exams and still more papers, went straight into spring classes... there just isn't the time to enjoy it all.

That's what the summer is for, I guess. It'll be nice to leave for 6 weeks. No agenda... it'll be busy, but not in an, "I have to work" kind of way. It'll be a "I want to see as much as I can" kind of thing. How odd. I don't know what I'll do if I have nothing to be doing.

I love having an hour and a half lunch break. Very nice. :o)

I've spent a few days in the past week as an extra on a movie that's being shot here... entertaining, because my hairdresser asked if I'd done any movies lately. She seems to have the idea in her head that I'm going to be a star, because I'm studying theatre. She's always asking how many shows I'm in, if I'm in movies, if I'm planning to make it big, and it's just too much work to explain what I really want to do with it. Anyways, this week, I could tell her that, yes, I was working as an extra. She was pretty impressed, even when I said that I was just on set for three days, and I have about 6 shots where I'm just in the background somewhere.

Heh. I'm finished with that now, I think. I think today was the last day they needed extras, and obviously, I'm not there. I'm here, in class. Janna and I were both there on Saturday night, and since neither of us knew anyone else, and since we were waiting for at least an hour and a half before they started filming, we had a good chance to just talk about... life. Random, unimportant things--the kinds of things that sometimes make the best conversations.

Anyways, I need to hit the bank and buy some textbooks before class starts again.

One year ago today: It's amazing how we touch people's lives without realizing it. I know that there are a lot of people who have touched my life without realizing it, but I guess I always figure that it just goes one way. People will tell me that I've touched their lives, and I don't know whether or not to believe them, just because it seems so outrageous. I mean, I'm just living my life. I'm not doing anything special or interesting--I'm just being me.
infinite || abyss

posted at 12:24 p.m.