about me

Alida: A 23-year-old Canadian exploring the infinite abyss that is New York City.



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Uncle Richard, me, and James Earl Jones - Tuesday, Apr. 04, 2006
So beautiful when the boy smiles - Sunday, Apr. 02, 2006
One way or another - Sunday, Dec. 25, 2005
Way up high - Saturday, Dec. 10, 2005
Reason to start over new - Friday, Dec. 09, 2005


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Sat, Apr. 24
... As we go on
Want to know the most retarded thing about my day?

I missed the Grand March for my own grad banquet.

No, it wasn't on purpose (duh), and no, it's not because I was just running late. It's because I couldn't get a hair appointment until 4, and I needed to be at the banquet hall by 6. Well, the hairdresser didn't get started until 4:30, and it took until 6:15 to finish my hair. Another 15 minutes to get home, and we're at 6:30, the time the banquet was actually supposed to start. I got there at about 6:40, just as they were finishing the Grand March, or introduction of grads, or whatever they called it.

That's okay, though. It wasn't a huge deal. I mean, it's not like I missed the ceremony or anything major like that.

It was a good night, though. And the hair was worth it. I just wish I could keep it up for tomorrow. Unfortunately, though, my cap won't fit over it, so I'll have to take it out in the morning and wash it out. *sigh* It's always fun to see second-day updos.

I took lots of pictures... maybe I'll post some. I always say that, and I never do. Partly because I don't have a digital camera; partly because I don't have a gold account, so I have nowhere to host images.

Ah well. I looked good, I think. I thought the overall effect was a good one. And tomorrow, the fun continues. I can sleep in, though, and I don't have to have as crazy a schedule as today. The ceremony in the afternoon, and that's all I've got planned, all day. I don't even have any papers screaming my name when I get home! What a concept!

It was weird... Jade was at the banquet, which was such a time warp. I saw him, and all of a sudden, I was back at the grad banquet during my first year, when we were sort of together. Not really, but kind of. That was an entertaining night. Heh. Wow, that was a long time ago. A really long time ago.

But I had fun, took lots of pictures, and I'm all ready and psyched for tomorrow. It doesn't feel real, though. Maybe tomorrow it will, but somehow, it all still feels like such a fantasy. I mean, come on--me, graduating from college? Getting a degree? Yeah, whatever.

I don't want to take off my dress, wash my face, and take out my hair. For once, I'm wearing a comfortable formal dress, and I look good, and I want to keep looking good, even if there's no one but the cats to see me. But I don't think it would be so comfortable to sleep in, so I'll suck it up and change... :o)
infinite || abyss

posted at 12:42 a.m.