about me

Alida: A 23-year-old Canadian exploring the infinite abyss that is New York City.



recent posts

Uncle Richard, me, and James Earl Jones - Tuesday, Apr. 04, 2006
So beautiful when the boy smiles - Sunday, Apr. 02, 2006
One way or another - Sunday, Dec. 25, 2005
Way up high - Saturday, Dec. 10, 2005
Reason to start over new - Friday, Dec. 09, 2005


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Sat, Mar. 8
... Attack of the "Legs of Death"
Well. CITA/CrissCross conference today. Good speaker this afternoon. Not sure if it was worth the $25, but oh well. We did Everyman tonight at the one-act festival that was part of the whole conference thing.

In my opinion, it was the strongest performance of Everyman that we've ever done. I think we had a strong performance, the characters were strong, and the overall feel was really good... unfortunately, the adjudicator was a little bit (ha!) biased towards a couple of the other plays. That was really disappointing. It's not even that we didn't win, but I felt like he didn't give the other plays the chance they deserved.

However... on the bright side... Laurel and Chelsea both got honorable mentions/nominated/whatever for Best Performance in a Rupporting role, and Dave was nominated for Best Performance in a Leading Role. If that counts for anything.

But the best, by far, was the fact that my legs got noted! See, for one of my characters, I play a flirtatious bank teller. It was really uncomfortable at first, but eventually I started to have fun with the part, and now I try to concoct new ways to seduce Dave.

Anyways, my costume consists of quite a short skirt, heels, and a leopard-print shirt. Now, usually, I stand behind a table, and then sit down, and it's all fine and dandy. Today, though, my table was coffee-table height, and I sat for the whole thing. Which was fine, except that it left my legs much more exposed to the audience than they usually are. So, I did the part, had fun with it, and then went offstage for my fastest change ever.

When we were getting adjudicated--it was a public adjudication, so the casts of all the shows and the whole audience were watching--the adjudicator said, "I love what Alida did as the banker with her character. She had fun with it. And I just loved her legs!"

Now, my legs are somewhat of a running joke, since I get comments on them a lot more often than might be deemed normal, but it was beyond funny for them to be commented on during an adjudication! So, what, I can't act but my legs make up for it? No... he said that my acting was really strong, too, so that was nice. But still--my legs?!?!

Anyways. If you live in Calgary and you're not doing anything tomorrow night, come check out Our Town, okay? It's our last night, and I'm super excited for it... it's at 7:00 p.m. at Foothills Alliance Church, right by the Superstore in Edgemont. It's free, so you should come check it out if you have the chance, okay? Okay. See you there!

One year ago today: I have a lot of good memories of last summer. It wasn't perfect, but it was the summer when Kat and I became closer friends than we'd ever been, when we hung out all the time, when we moved in together, when life seemed to be in between seasons. We were at a place where old things were ending, and we were looking forward to the new things beginning.
infinite || abyss

posted at 11:56 p.m.