about me

Alida: A 23-year-old Canadian exploring the infinite abyss that is New York City.



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Uncle Richard, me, and James Earl Jones - Tuesday, Apr. 04, 2006
So beautiful when the boy smiles - Sunday, Apr. 02, 2006
One way or another - Sunday, Dec. 25, 2005
Way up high - Saturday, Dec. 10, 2005
Reason to start over new - Friday, Dec. 09, 2005


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Thurs, May 6
... Bought a ticket to the end of the rainbow
Sneaky dress rehearsal tonight. After class, driving 2 hours up there, and then driving 2 hours back tonight after the rehearsal's over. Same thing tomorrow.

But it'll be fun. I really like that script--especially the singer's lines. There are some great ones in there, that just need to be savored. Some of the literary structure and the way the playwright sculpts the words... I love it. There's just some great stuff there.

Remind me to write about hot and cold media, and how theatre is a warm media, and involves aspects of both hot and cold. Yes, this was a discussion from my "Reshaping Discipleship in the Local Church" class. How do we get on these tangents?

Anyways, on break from class, so a quick Thursday Threesome before I go back.

Onesome: Something old- Do you have anything that you've owned simply forever? A cherished childhood toy, an antique handed down through the family... Not really. Our house burned down when I was 12, so we lost a lot of the childhood stuff then. For my grad, though, my parents gave me an antique heirloom breakfast set that used to be my grandma's, so I guess that counts for something... :o)

Twosome: Something new- Buy anything new lately? A laundry basket and a t-shirt at Wal-Mart the other night. The last interesting new thing I bought was a pair of jeans last week, on sale for $20. Gotta love cheap new clothes!

Threesome: Something borrowed- Ever borrowed anything and never returned it? Oh yeah. I think I've got at least a few books that originally belonged to someone else, and they moved, or we lost touch or something before they were returned. But what goes around comes around, I guess, because I know that some of my books and t-shirts and stuff are floating somewhere out there in never-never land, and I'll probably never see them again.

Bonus: Something blue- See anything blue from where you are? What is it? Yup. The counter that this computer is sitting on is blue, my jeans, my socks, a backpack, the signs on the wall saying not to save anything to the hard drive... there's a lot of teal, which is sort of blue, but more green, so that doesn't really count.

One year ago today: These are differences that have been there for thousands of years. There is something inherently different between women and men. We are not the same. Biologically, emotionally, relationally, physically, psychologically, we are different. We need different things. We want different things. We react to different things. We are affected--hurt, overjoyed, distressed, turned on, comforted--by different things. Why is that wrong? Why does that breed the assumption that women are weaker than men? Why can't we understand and accept the fact that we don't have to be the same?!
infinite || abyss

posted at 2:27 p.m.